Скрипт гостевой книги Firebook
Скрипт гостевой книги Firebook
Скрипт гостевой книги Firebook


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Гостевые книги Firebook

Main specifcations.

Основные настройки.

Как самому сделать сайт

Закрытый режим общения в Гостевой книге

Ваши собственные произведения

Приватные сообщения

Корректировка и удаление сообщений в гостевой книге

Если вы Администратор Гостевой книги...


Инсталляция скрипта гостевой книги на вашем сервере

Загрузка файлов по FTP

Скрипт Гостевой книги. Руководство пользователя.

Загрузка картинок

Конструктор сайта

Таблица стилей

Панель Администратора


Проще сделать сайт самому, чем кого-то об этом просить

От гостевой книги - к созданию сайта

Что такое аккаунт

Что такое куки и где они находятся.

О пользе регистрации

Раскрутка сайта

Тематический индекс цитирования

Что людям надо




 Сайт разработчика

 Скрипт гостевой


Main specifcations.



# Main specifications of the Guest book.

# Parameter considers everything, that is between is familiar equally and

# Last in string(line) by a semicolon.

# The carry of string(line) is not enabled!

# Any remaining text after the sign #, switching on and yours

# The arbitrary commentings, is skipped by the program.


       # Your Language

       # Is now accessible en and ru

       # After change of parameter it is expedient

       # To Restore Source for all scratch files

       # That the descriptions to files

       # corresponded(met) to selected Language

Titul=Guest Book guestbook;       

      # Titule of the guestbook


       # Displacement of header in vertical direction



       # Displacement of header in horizontal direction



       # Your photo (url such as http://...) or any picture.

       # Parameter $main{Photo} places on the Panel of the manager.

       # Through a comma it is possible to indicate a little photo.

       # The photo is better for loading in a folder images (working folder)



       # Width of a photo established(set) by a system.

       # It is better, if actual width corresponds(meets) to this value.


       # Address of your site (such as http://site.ru)


MySiteText=Main Page;

       # text of link on your site



      # Record count on page Guest      


      # Length of the text of the report together with gaps


      # Length title, maiden some words from the report,

      # And also length of the quotation by default                              



      # Title of the guest panel.      

NameText=<h1>My Texts</h1>;

      # Title of the authoring panel

      # Is built - in in the left-hand panel



      # Parameter of registration (1/0).

      # If 1 dispatch the reports in guest can

      # Only registered visitors, if 0,

      # That all (spamers including)



      # It is authorized/is forbidden to the visitors (1/0)

      # to comment on the reports


      # It is authorized/forbidden to the visitors (1/0)

      # to comment on the reports


      # It is authorized/forbidden to the visitors (1/0)

      # to remove the reports


      # To demonstrate/not_to_demonstrate the meter of visits

      # (if 0, only to host guest, if 1, by all).

      # Parameter $main{stat} places on the dextral panel



      # Is_necessary/not_necessary (1/0) guest panels.

      # On the guest panel are imaged

      # All visitors of the guest book,

      # With the link to last report.


      # Antispam is included/is_switched - off (1/0).

      # If AntiSpam the user is included,

      # Can not transmit two reports the contract with an identical target,

      # For example, to add the contract two new reports.

      # On second it will be offered подкорректировать maiden.

      # The limitation is not diffused to the Manager.


      # Code Antispam (0/1).

      # If 1, in the form(shape) Add_Message

      # The padding field for a code will appear


      # (1/0) If 1, any report of the visitor are quenched by a system,

      # So long as you with it(him) will not acquaint.

      # The visitor of interlock does not

      # note and sees the report


      # Antimat is included/is switched - off.

      # If is included, the report of the visitor is checked up on words

      # From the file StopWord.

      # The reports Administrater are not checked up



      # Privat the mode is permitted/is prohibited (1/0).

      # If is permitted(solved), at the answer to the report

      # The visitor can establish a tick - приват,

      # Such report will be visible only to the

      # one to whom it is addressed.

      # The answer to such report will be too privat.

      # Privat mode is accessible only to authorized users.


       # Whether the check Name of the users on concurrence(coincidence) is necessary


      # Identifiers of the visitors (through a comma),

      # Which one permits(solved) access to closed (VIP) to dialogue.

      # Such reports place in a general(common) communications traffic,

      # But they are visible and respond on them can only selected.


      # On indicated e-mail will be sent

      # Copy of all reports from the Guest book.

      # Through a gap it is possible to indicate a little email,

      # On them the copies will depart



      # Species list of your products located in a folder TextDir.

      # The list places on the panel of navigating (LeftPanel)



      # The argument list, which one is entered by(with) the visitor.

      # By default in the program will be used nik, email, homepage

      # The list can be added by any parameters,

      # For example city, country, hobby, ISQ etc.

# For this purpose it is necessary to write

      # HeadList=city,country,hobby,ISQ;

      # These parameters will be added to existing

      # By default (nik,email,homepage)

      # Thus in the form(shape) Add_message (FormaAdd)

      # It is necessary to add the conforming fields:

      # For example, to add city (city),

      # In the file FormaAdd.txt add:

      # Your city:<input type=text name ='city' value ='$H{city}'>



      # Main(basic) form(shape) guest

      # By default it is the file index.html,

      # which one and determines the form(shape) of design

      # But as the main(basic) form(shape) it is possible to indicate any file,

      # At this file should be present as минум two operators -



      # Style sheet.

      # Can connect the table of the site,

      # Having indicated a specific address

      # (http://site.ru/style.css)



      # Text demonstrated only

      # On the maiden page of the guest book



       # You will place the personal texts

       # The personal texts place in a separate folder text

       # Also are demonstrated on the left-hand panel


      # Folder with the personal texts



      # Left-hand (navigating(navigational) administrative) panel.

      # By default different useful links there are arranged

      # If the left-hand panel is described in the main(basic) file,

      # That this parameter not used



      # Right (guest) panel



      # A file - cap, in which one can

      # Is banners and title pictures.


      # A file - bottom, in which one can

      # To be meters and пр.



      # Form(shape) of one report



      # Form(shape) of authoring product




      # File - filter with a list of words,

      # Which one you would not like to see in guest.

      # At occurrence(appearance) of such word (or his(its) derivative),

      # The report is eliminated from display(demonstration) until then,

      # While you personally will not acquaint with it(him).

      # To disconnect the filter, zero parameter,

      # Or in the conforming file comment out working lines



      # Set of smileys. If smiles are not necessary,

      # Simplly eliminate or zero this parameter Smiles=;

      # Remaining смайлы (if they are) are demonstrated

      # Special script ajax.js, arranged in same folder



      # Link on To answer

      # By default - To_Answer       

email_text=<img src='http://masterbook.iverny.ru/firebook/images/email1.jpg' border=0>;

      # URL icons email (or text)

      # By default - email

home_text=<img src='http://masterbook.iverny.ru/firebook/images/home.gif' border=0>;

      # URL icons HomePage (or text)

      # By default - home



      # If the visitor places in the text url

      # Such as http:// or www. that url replaced in the link of a kind(view) (link)

      # Those will be converted only url, which one are insulated by gaps.

      # url, concluded in тэги will not be converted


      # Icon of a picture. If the visitor places in the text the link

      # On a picture, she is demonstrated by the link with this text

      # By default - image



       # The link to your site, by default link to main page             



      # Form(shape) of a member on the Guest panel

      # In square brackets a tag, which one is substituted

      # depending on a type of the report

      # For the customary report (not privat, not quenched)

      # - that is written to brackets

      # The text GuestText is changed(interchanged) with the link

      # In a final kind(view) will look so:

      # <p>&#9642;<a href='http:/url_message'>Nik_guest</a>


Comments=<p class='GreenSq'>Comments</p>;

AddMessage=Add Message



FormaComment=<p class='Comm' width='90%'>Answer to $Head{nom}. <a href='http://masterbook.iverny.ru/$Head{f}'>$Head{nik}</a> <font size='-2' >$Head{date} </font> write: <b><i><font color='#808080' >$Head{thema}</font></i></b></p>;

      # At the answer to the report this line

      # Demonstrates the made comments on report




      # It is authorized/is forbidden to the visitors (1/0)

      # To load pictures in photogallery       

      # (if there is a module FirebookImage)



      # Quantity of pictures on page of photogallery

      # (if there is a module FirebookImage)



      # Title of photogallery.

      # Is imaged on the left-hand panel

      # (if there is a module FirebookImage)       


LinkPhotoGal=<p><img src='http://masterbook.iverny.ru/firebook/images/smiles/12.gif' border=0>&nbsp;<a href='http://masterbook.iverny.ru/photo/img_foto.html'>Photogallery</a></p>;

      # Link to photogallery (if there is a module FirebookImage)

FormaCounter='3|<div class="GreenSq"><center><table ><tr style="background-color:#cccccc"><td>Date<td>IP<td>Viz|<tr><td>$H{day}<td>$H{ip}<td>$H{vizit}|</table></center></div>;

      # Form(shape) of the meter of visits. A separator - sign '|'

      # Maiden number - quantity of days (last 3 days),

      # Second unit - cap, third - cycle on days, last - completion


      # If you want, that the reports in a general(common) flow

      # Were injected in the form(shape) of the check List,

      # Only by one headers, record

      # Print=catalog;

      # Or

      # Print=catalog,1;

      # The number after a comma demonstrates for what tolerance parameter works

      # For Admin the tolerance 5-10, for the visitors 1




      # The sizes of a window of input of the report      



      # Sizes of a working door of a module MasterEdit




### DO NOT FORGET ABOUT a SEMICOLON At the end of EACH PARAMETER ##             

24 мар 2007 (11:36)


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